Thursday 13 February 2014

Things You Can Do For Him On Valentine’s Day That Cost Very Little

Things You Can Do For Him On Valentine’s Day That Cost Very Little

Most men aren’t into Valentine’s Day and if they were, many would be too insecure to admit it. The day is usually reserved for women (hence the plethora of advertisements enticing men to buy the ‘perfect’ gift for their special lady). While your man may not say he wants to feel loved on Valentine’s Day, I’m sure he isn’t opposed to it. What man doesn’t want the lady that he loves to…well, show him some love?

Maybe giving him flowers, jewelry, or fuzzy items shaped like hearts isn’t the best approach, but you can still do something special for your guy on Valentine’s Day that won’t take too much and won’t cost too much either. Stumped for ideas? Check out some of these suggestions. The great thing is they’re inexpensive, not too time consuming, and can be pulled off just in time for that day of love on Friday.

Homemade Candlelight Dinner

This is probably the most common thing to do for your man on Cupid’s Day. And even if you aren’t known for your cooking skills (like me), it could still be one of the most romantic and sentimental things that you have ever done for him and will surely leave him surprised. Now here’ the trick: If cooking isn’t one of your strong points, you have to practice making the meal before you actually serve it to him. And please get someone else to taste it other than you. Sometimes we can be biased to our own cooking, but you don’t want his meal to end up being more torture than it is a treat.

 “All About Him” Day
You can plan a day full of all the things that he enjoys doing, with and without you. For instance, if he loves playing golf, plan an outing with the two of you or him and some of his friends for the near future. Or make reservations for his favorite restaurant. Make the day all about him, full of his favorite things and activities. Oh, and pampering him with a massage can surely go a long way on this special day.

Put It In A Love Letter
Before you say it’s cheesy, I will be the first to admit that it is; but nonetheless, it’s sweet, romantic, and most certainly memorable. In the day in age when text messages and emails rule the world, a good old-fashioned hand-written letter is a unique gesture. And if you’re really creative, write a poem.

Spa Day

Women love spas; and I’m sure a man won’t be opposed to receiving a massage and pedicure from a woman with gentle hands. Relaxation is relaxation and treating your man to a spa day is definitely a stress reliever. If you want to include yourself, buy a ‘his and hers’ package.

Make Him A Valentine’s Day Card

This is yet another cheesy idea that your man would still appreciate because of its thoughtfulness. It beats getting a Hallmark card that he’s used to receiving. Making a card out of construction paper is cute and unconventional. Switch it up!

Make Him A Gift Basket Or Bag With All His Favorite Things

Fill a basket with his favorite snacks, movies, and small gifts. It’s up to you how much you spend. It can consist of small items or you could even throw in one thing more expensive. This idea doesn’t have to cost a lot but the thought behind it is priceless.

Make Him A Love Playlist

Putting together a compilation of all the songs that are meaningful in your relationship can be a gift that he can keep forever. In addition to picking out the songs and creating a playlist, give him a note describing why you chose each song.

Acknowledge His Favorite Places And Things With Gift Cards

It’s easy to get him a Visa gift card, but where is the sentimental value in that? Instead, give him multiple cards of his favorite places to eat or shop (maybe $10 each). Not only will it come in handy for him,but  it will show that you pay attention to some of the things he enjoys the most.

Put On A Show
This is self-explanatory; and certainly not a good idea for the extra conservative. Maybe you don’t have a pole to do dances on in your bedroom (most of us don’t); but you can still give him a few dances. Have a few glasses of wine and put on some of your favorite music to dance to, and of course make sure you’re dressed (or not dressed) for the occasion.

Give Him A Photo Shoot

This idea is not for the conservative. I’m talking s*xy photos for your man.  Of course, this is better for your husband, fiancĂ©, or long-time partner and not the guy you’ve only been dating for a month. You may have to get it done a few days in advance to make sure the photos are back in time.

Breakfast In Bed

Pressed for time or not wanting to do ‘the most’ for Valentine’s Day? Just make him a quick breakfast but serve it to him in bed. Now, if you do have more time on your hands, you can serve him breakfast and the two of you can remain in bed for a while after.

Play A Game

Spice it up for your man on Valentine’s Day by playing a game. I am not referring to Spades or board games (unless you’re thinking Twister). This doesn’t have to be the kinkiest thing you can think of. There are plenty of games that involve basic level intimacy. Just visit your local sex store and allow your imagination to run wild, if you dare.

Movie Night–But Films Of His Choice

No romantic comedies for once! If your man likes action movies, dorky comedies, or long drawn out war movies, try to take one for the team and “enjoy” the films together. Pop some popcorn, get some libations together, and keep it warm and cute in the house.

Once again, Valentine’s Day is more for the ladies, but since most of us try to act like “Sweetest Day” doesn’t exist, do something nice and simple for your man instead of waiting for him to come through and do it all on the day of love. It doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, and I’m sure you will both love it. -

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Is your boyfriend serious about you?

          Is your boyfriend serious about you?

The 50 signs that show you're in a committed relationship Planning a holiday, driving each others' cars, having a key to your partner's house, being invited to family gatherings, posting a 'loved-up' photo on Facebook, are all signs a relationship is serious and past the 'seeing each other' phase, according to a new survey.

Researchers questioned 2,000 people to reveal the top 50 things which indicate a couple are in a committed relationship. Check on it below and tell us what you think...

1. Meeting the parents
2. Exchanging house keys
3. Planning a holiday together
4. Discussing plans for the future
5. Being invited to family gatherings
6. Saying 'I love you'
7. Staying overnight at each other's houses
8. Signing Christmas / Birthday cards together
9. Seeing each other at least every other night
10. Leaving a toothbrush at each other's house

11. You tell each other absolutely everything

12. Letting them take care of you when sick
13. Being introduced to wider friendships circles
14. Discussing how many children you might want in the future
15. Buying a dog or cat together
16. Driving each other's cars
17. Inviting them to a wedding as a date
18. Divulging salary details
19. Letting them know your pin number
20. Discussing holidays
21. Having a drawer at each other's house
22. When you HYPOTHETICALLY talk about IF you lived together
23. Inviting people round as a couple
24. Having clothes and other belongings at each other's houses
25. First name terms with their mum and dad
26. Talking about intimate health issues
27. Farting in front of each other
28. Inviting them out with your friends / family
29. Receiving cards or gifts addressed to both of you
30. When you know what each other's plans are for every single day
31. Showering together
32. Changing Facebook status to 'in a relationship'

33. You know each other's passwords

34. Wearing pyjamas when you get home from work
35. You share secrets about friends with each other
36. Always being the 'plus one' on invites
37. Getting food in your big shop just for them
38. You start watching TV shows they like
39. Phoning each other at work
40. Stop putting make up on to look gloriously fresh before they wake up
41. When they start asking for your opinion on stuff
42. Going out with friends or family without the partner being there
43. Signing off 'love' in a card
44. You start listening to music they like
45. You stop seeing people you know they don't like
46. Putting a photo of the two of you on Facebook
47. Sending good morning / goodnight texts
48. Having a pet name for each other
49. Telling each other how many sexual partners you've had
50. When all their friends add you on Facebook

Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Dumbest Sh!t Men Do For Valentine’s Day

The Dumbest Sh!t Men Do For Valentine’s Day

It’s Monday, we’re annoyed, and Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. It’s the perfect time to talk about the not-so-lovely aspects of this holiday, which is supposed to be all about love, like the dumb ish that goes down either because men are lazy, clueless, cold-hearted, or some sad combination of all of the above. Here’s a list of stupid things men do for Valentine’s Day that we pray none of you ladies experience this year. If you have more, feel free to share. :)

 Break up with women so they don’t have to buy them a gift

See that line about being cold-hearted. Valentine’s Day has the potential to be the end of any given woman’s cuffing season without so much as a hint, clue, or suggestion. If you notice the guy you’ve been kicking it with/dating since September is suddenly arguing with you every day, you may find yourself alone Friday simply because he’s cheap. And evil.

Wait until the last minute to plan a date

We know men hate Valentine’s Day with about as much emotion as women love it, but if you’re going to bother participating in the holiday, just do it right. Every year, men across the globe spend their lunch hours on the phone begging restaurants for reservations and scrounging the aisles of local pharmacies trying to find some semblemce of a gift that doesn’t immediately scream “Bought in Walgreens.” And every year they fail and piss off their girlfriend who just wanted to know you give a damn

Tell the woman they’re dating they don’t believe in Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day

I’m all for men exercising their right not to participate in Valentine’s Day, so long as the person they’re dating knows this is their stance well before the day comes. Do not, I repeat do not, show up at your girl’s house Friday night in sweats with a box set of “24″ in your hand talking about “hey bae” and then when she questions you about a gift you say, “you know I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day.” Insert door slam.

Buy women teddy bears
Just…how old are we? 16 or 36?

Buy drugstore chocolate

See point two. If you’re going to bother to get us anything, get us something of quality not them nasty arse bootleg $2.99 candy-in-a-heart chocolates that have been drying out on drugstore shelves since the day after New Year’s.

Serenade women

OK this isn’t dumb, it’s just awkward, cliche, and not practical. Unless you sound like Brian McKnight when Martin hired — keyword hired — him to sing to Gina before he proposed, keep this idea where it belongs: in the minds of romcom movie directors.

Buy women raunchy lingerie

We won’t totally hate on you for this one because women are known to buy men things that they can enjoy as well, but this gift just screams selfish. By all means, spread it out on the bed for when we get home from whatever activity you actually planned for us on V-Day, but don’t let something from Vicky’s be the main attraction.

Buy something their woman explicitly told them she doesn’t like

No-brainer, right? Except for when it’s not. If your lady has told you time and time again she doesn’t like red roses, don’t buy them for Valentine’s Day just because every other man on earth is doing it. Be creative!

Pretend he didn’t remember it’s Valentine’s Day and then surprise his woman with a gift at 11:59p February 14
Yeah it’s cute when you hear these stories with grand happy endings, but the reality is you’re setting yourself up for a night of torture if you go this route. While you’re playing coy like you don’t know what the day is, we guarantee your woman will be sitting across from you with an attitude that isn’t worth whatever it is you’re going to present to her before the clock strikes midnight and she’s possibly already broken up with you.